Um Ali.. most popualr Kanfe in Nazareth market
In the area of the White Mosque, the center of the old city of Nazareth, a special sweets shop serves the most popular Knafe, Um Ali by Azmi Hamed.
The sweets store estapleshed at 2019 and today it is considered one of the favorite paleces for Nazareth market visitors.
Azmi Hamed tells the story of UmAli Knafe: my family owned an oriental sweets shop, I tried to learn how to make the knafe. I moved to the United States for a while and I came back here, to my neighborhood and I decided to make Knafe againe.
Azmi says the living in Nazareth is a bless: I love Nazareth, especially the old city. the whole city will not be able to develop if we ignor the old market.
The name "Um Ali"
The name Um Ali is Azmi's mother's nickname, he is proud of her and explains that at first it was strange to people that the place was named after a woman. but today everybode likes it.
A personal Knafe
One of the advantages of the "Um Ali" knafe is that it is served personally to each customer, Azmi prepares the knafe one by one, and says: "Don't let the knafe wait for you, sit and wait for it."